P2-500 PPP P-2 Primer Automatic Trap Primer Valve
The Model P-1 & P-2 Tap Primer Valve is a precision device designed to deliver potable water to seldom used floor drains. A pressure drop of 5 to 10 P.S.I.G. is required to activate the priming valve. The Trap Primer must be installed on cold fresh water lines of 1 1/2" diameter or less.
- 1/2" NPT inlet/outlet
- Adjustable to line pressure
- Will prime 1 or 2 drains using the PPP Inc. patented distribution system
- For every 20 feet of floor drain trap make-up water line the primer must be a minimum of one foot elevation from the finished floor
- Operating range: 35 to 75 P.S.I.G.
- Machined from corrosion resistant brass
- Piston operated, does not contain springs or diaphragms
- Easily adjusted to high or low pressures
- Includes integral vacuum breaker ports
- The priming valve must have a minimum elevation of 12 inches above the finished floor.
- CA/VT compliant